domenica 18 maggio 2014


"Oh mai gad! I dont anderstend a uord!
The English Teacher
(IUESSEI 2013)
Dairector: Craig Zisk
Vraiters: Dan Chariton, Stacy Chariton
Casst: Julianne Moore, Michael Angarano, Lily Collins, Greg Kinnear, Charlie Saxton, Nathan Lane, Fiona Shaw, Norbert Leo Butz, Jessica Hecht, Nikki Blonsky, Sophie Curtis
Genre: aigh-skull
If you laik it, you ken uoch olso: Bad Teacher, Il papà migliore del mondo, School of Rock

I nid a inglish ticcer, becous my inglish is not veri gud. I min, der is pipol that spik a inglish worst den main, laik Aldo Biscardi & Giorgio Napolitano & Paolo Sorrentino, bat I fink I have a lot of margins of migliorament. So, I nid some1 laik Julianne Moore.
I uont a ticcer laik Julianne Moore for meni meni risons. De first 1 is that she is a MILF. I min, in de real laif she is de mader of two childrens, but in de muvi De inglish ticcer she is not a MILF. She does not have childrens. She is a… Au do you say “zitella” in inglish? Zaitell? Is it correct?
Enyways, she is a zaitell, but she is abbastanz fuckable, tu.
De second rison becous I uont er is that she is a gud ticcer. She loves her uork and she loves buks, tu. Yeah, she is a nerd.
De terz rison is that she has red eir. I laik uimen wif red eir.
De quart reason is that she is a MILF. Have I ollredi dett that?

"Uot de fak?"
So, I don’t now if you have anderstud, but I rilli laik de part of Julianne Moore and I fink she is de mein point of forz of de muvi. And den der is also Michael Angarano. I laik him, tu. I min, I do not laik him in a sexual huey. I laik him becous he has a nais feis. He luks laik a simpa boy. If I still go to skull, I wuld laik to go to skull wif him because I fink it wuld B fanni (have you sin de correct use of de conditional verbs?).
Apart de veri gud 2 protagonists, 4 de rest not evrifing in dis muvi is greit. De comedy part of dis film is not veri strong. I have not laf a lot uoccing it. Enyweys, de story is interestanting. It spiks abaut a inglish ticcer, of cors, Julianne Moore, of cors agayn, that… anzi no, ho sbagliato, sorri… a inglish ticcer who mits a old stiudent, Michael Angarano. I min, he is not veri old. He is 25 or samfing and he wrot a tiater play, a opera that nobady ghivs a schit abaut. Nobady until de inglish ticcer Julianne Moore, who uonts to rappresent it in her aigh-skull. So, de 2 uork tugheder on it and dey uork olso wif Lily Collins, who is a yang stiudent and who is de meyn actress in dis tiater play. She is veri fackabol tu, even if she has veri big, bat veri veri veri big eyebrows (I have serchd dis uord on becous I did not now B4). End so der is a love triangol, laik in olmost all de films and telefilms I iusually uocc.
End den, in de end uot eppens?
I do not tell you. No spoiler. I uont you to uocc dis muvi, tu. Uai? Becous de inglish ticcer is a veri nais film. It is not a piece of master, but I fink it is abbastanz cul.
Denk you 4 de attenscion.
(grade C+)

"GRRR! I fink dis reviù is not veri veri correct."

20 commenti:

  1. quest is really a uonderful post
    iu are strong
    (ho detto strong, non vorrei essere frainteso)

  2. iu ar a ginius. De muvie is nais, bat ai dont rimember it enimor.
    For iu, A +. Ringraziamo Sorrentino per le lezioni di inglese.

  3. eniuei, zaitell is not correct. ui sei "spinster".
    I know for sure, I'm a spinster, too. Not as fuckable as Julianne More, but... who cares? :)

  4. maaaarvellus :) mai brein split traing to rid iour reviù... lets giust not meik enoder 1 laik det tu suun, ok?

  5. Oh, no!
    My English is very rusty, I have to use Google Translator!
    One question: what is C + grade in Italian?

    1. in decimi dovrebbe essere un voto intorno al 6+, almeno credo

  6. My eyes are bleeding.
    Però è stato un buon esercizio di comprensione, a dimostrazione che l'inglese sarebbe più facile se fosse scritto come si pronuncia.

    Quindi C+? Potrei farci un pensierino. A little tiny thought.

    1. non so se sarebbe più facile, visto che i tuoi occhi stanno sanguinando... ;)

  7. Ho letto tre righe e mi sta per esplodere la testa, mi perdonerai se non vado oltre, tanto il film non m'interessa :D

  8. Veri gud reviù!
    Bat iu ar still a littel pussi! ;)

  9. Mai Gad, Ai ken't stop laffin end aim alon in de stady holl end nau everiuan finks aim creisi. Its iour folt! Come cazzo hai fatto a scrivere un post intero così non lo so, c'ho messo venti minuti a scrivere sto commento!


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